Mixing With The Merchants

Did you know there is a comic book artist with a space in downtown Danbury? Did you know there’s a female fashion entrepreneur on Main Street? How about a book publisher? Yup. They are all here in the Hat City.

To be honest, we didn’t know either. Thankfully, they are just some of the amazing people we have connected with at the monthly Merchant Mixer events in downtown Danbury. Since last spring, CityCenter Danbury has spearheaded a Merchant Mixer on the first Thursday of every month. A different downtown business or downtown space serves as the host for businesspeople, entrepreneurs, creatives and more. The idea is not only to network but also to share ideas on how to make our downtown a great city to live, work, learn and play in. As we heard someone say, we are the “urban enthusiasts.” We are in different fields, but we all share a love for our downtown.

What started out as a relatively small gathering of people has grown over the months. You should join in the fun. Here are a few of the upcoming dates and locations:

We are all making a go of it in the Hat City. We can work together to make not only our individual businesses grow but also our sense of community. I hope to see even more new faces at the next Merchant Mixer. For more information and to get on the mailing list, you can email: assistant@citycenterdanbury.com.

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