Shop the Bizarre Bazaar

Holiday shopping can be a drag.

That’s why Alicia and I try to buy gifts for the people on our list that aren’t what you’d typically find at the big stores. We like to support local businesses and local people. Last year we found the perfect event where we could do some holiday shopping that also helped support local artists and a local non-profit arts organization. This year, we’re excited that the event is back.

The Holiday Bizarre Bazaar is Sunday, Dec. 7th from 1 to 5pm at A Common Ground at 33 Crosby Street in downtown Danbury. The event helps raise money for Danbury Arts In Action, which works to bring the arts to young people who might not otherwise be able to develop their creative side.

As far as the kinds of things you can find at the bizarre bazaar, well, it’s an eclectic mix. Last year there were painters, vintage music vendors, knitters, photographers, even a blacksmith. While we were there to buy for others, we couldn’t resist buying a steak turner from the blacksmith for ourselves. Hope to see him again this year.

Not only are there local artisans and crafters selling their wares, there’s also live music and locally made sweet treats to enjoy. Plus there’s a raffle with prizes donated from local businesses like Stanziato;s Wood Fired Pizza. This event is a great way to support local people, local businesses and a local organization trying to do good in the community. That’s my kind of holiday shopping.

To learn more about Danbury Arts In Action, visit the website:

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